MELOA Newsletter

2st Edition
January 2020



MELOA is an H2020 project that aims to cover current marine observation gaps, by developing five lines of WAVY drifters - low cost and easy to handle surface drifters designed to collect marine data, from coastal to offshore zones. 


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WAVY Updates

The WAVY Littoral is already fully developed and in the production stage. The team has been conducting test campaigns to promote the use cases of this surface drifter, such as supporting citizen science, validate models for port management systems, among others. In addition, MELOA launched the WavyHub and WAVY Fundamentals, which consist of mobile apps developed to support the deployment of the WAVY drifters.
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In May of 2019, MELOA had the 2nd Advisory Board meeting enabling the team to get meaningful feedback from the Advisory Board. Later in October the team completed another milestone with the 2nd Test Plan Review, were the prototypes of the WAVY Ocean were presented, and the results of the test campaigns were discussed. 


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Engagement Activities

Check out the international conferences and workshops that MELOA team attended during 2019! Great opportunities to promote the WAVY drifters and engage with potential users and other stakeholders within the ocean observing and monitoring community. 

Check 2019 Activities

Campaigns 2019

During 2019, MELOA organized several WAVY Test Campaigns in Portugal and Spain, in collaboration with different stakeholders from the marine community. These campaigns allowed not only to test and collect feedback on the different components of the WAVY Littoral, but also to raise awareness towards the usefulness and benefits of these surface drifter.

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Upcoming Activities

Upcoming activities include test campaigns in Portugal, Ireland, and Spain. Would you like to participate? Get in touch!

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Stay tuned for our videos & articles to get closer insights about why the WAVY drifters can offer an innovative solution to get in-situ measurements for marine monitoring!

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