Matias Carandell was awarded at the IEEE Oceans Global Congress' student competition 




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Matias Carandell, PhD researcher at our partner SARTI - UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech), has been distinguished with the second prize of the Student Poster Competition of the IEEE Oceans Global Congress, organized by the IEEE Oceanic Engineering and Marine Technology Society.


This worldwide competition brings doctoral students in the oceanographic field together to share their work. Main contributors to Matias’ research and co-authors of the work are Daniel Mihai Toma (SARTI – UPC), José Paulo Pinto (Instituto Hidrográfico – Marinha, Portugal), and Manel Gasulla (e-CAT – UPC) and Joaquin del Rio (SARTI – UPC) as supervisors.

Matias’ current research field is wave energy harvesting systems and the awarded paper is “Impact on the Wave Parameters Estimation of a Kinetic Energy Harvester Embedded into a Drifter”, which has been conducted in the scope of MELOA, for the development of the WAVY drifters.


Read the full article here

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