First Test Campaign on the Irish coast



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Our partner Smartbay Ireland carried out the first WAVY Test Campaign on the Irish coast. 

An operational experimentation campaign took place in the wide bay of Galway, Ireland, using a WAVY Littoral. The weather was very good, and the team found the perfect sea conditions to deploy the drifters. The WAVY drifter was first attached to a net and fishing line to assess its behaviour while kept on the station. It was then released from the net and line and let to move freely with the current collecting wave measurements. The data will be made available on MELOA Data Catalogue / Campaigns.


To learn more about the data collected during the WAVY test campaigns, visit MELOA Data Catalogue and check the different datasets made available.


MELOA team is already preparing the WAVY Test Campaigns that will take place next year in Portugal, Spain, and Ireland. If you are interested in participating on the WAVY Test Campaigns, please get in touch!


Stay tuned for more!


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